Thursday, March 17, 2011


Being a gay migrant in Italy Today:
Ci chiami sporco negro e lesbica schifosa ma ti offendi se ti chiamano italiano mafioso - “You call us dirty nigger and disgusting lesbian. But  you’re offended if someone calls you an Italian mafioso.”

I am studying social justice issues of LGBT pupils of Italy. First, I will present the struggles and difficulties that the LGBT community experience and how their wellbeing is being affected. The Official Journal of the European Communities voices that everyone is equal before the law, Article 21 states:
Any discrimination based on any ground such as sex, race, colour, ethnic or social origin, genetic features, language, religion or belief, political or any other opinion, membership of a national minority, property, birth, disability, age or sexual orientation shall be prohibited.
However, one must question whether the reinforcement and regulation of this law only then will it ensure the equality of minority communities present in Italy. Second, I will discuss the role of the Italian church and the legal recognition of same-sex couples. Current social, political and institutional powers; Church and law, shape one’s outlook and provides perspective on the emotional struggles confronting migrant LGBT individuals in Italy today. Leading one to pose the questions: Why are hate crimes at a rise? What are the potential factors that could cause such effects? Why do pupils carry out hate crime attacks? Are schools a safety zone for LGBT youth to be? The research article, “La montagna e la catena – essere migrant omosessuali oggi in italia, by Arcigay interviewed recent homosexual migrants to Italy; the narratives help one understand what it is like to be gay and  an migrant today in Italy. A young man from Ecuador shared his coming out story, his migration to Italy, and the struggles encountered  throughout his journey by saying:
My coming out? A mountain. When I told my parents that I was gay [it] was like climbing [a mountain] with great difficulty, but in the process I learned to grow to be strong, to trust in myself. Then [I] came to a culmination point, such as the confrontation with my father, who followed the descent, during which begins to be accepted. It was not a single mountain but a mountain range, and each time I had to climb more, higher up on different mountains -One day my parents were, one day my sisters and another family of my parents ...yet another migration, and Italy. It is one thing to talk to parents but around them is not said that they accept it. They have both a family of friends. To this must be add to my family in Ecuador is a family of elite cultural [...]. This meant that my family are very concerned about what others will say [...]
This quote highlights the emotional, migration difficulty, and identity struggles of a young man. In this paper, I will argue that the role of the Italian church and the lack of legal recognition of same-sex couples today in Italy create negative messages and are partly responsible for the rise of hate-crime attacks. Moreover, I will discuss how a gay migrant in Italy today is impacted by social and  institutional powers.

Literature Review, Findings and Discussions:
Struggles , difficulties and wellbeing of LGBT community
The sources that I used to support my argument all bring unique perspectives to issues of homosexual and migrants to Italy. Each article provides the reader with perspective into current issues present today in Italy.  In February of 2011, a British magazine “The Observer” published a piece discussing struggles and “anger” of homosexuals; and it is having a profound impact. Tim Franks, the CEO of PACE; a London’s leading charity promoting the mental health and emotional wellbeing of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community began his work with a systematic review of the National Institute for Mental Health. Leading him to state:
“lesbian and gay people [are] up to two-and-a-half times more likely to become alcohol or drug dependent, over two-and-a-half times more likely to suffer from anxiety or depression disorders. Gay men particularly were up to four times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual counterparts.”
The report further identified potential reasons for such statistics in saying:
“It is likely that the social hostility, stigma and discriminations most LGBT people experience [are] at least likely to be a part of the reasons for the higher rates of psychological morbidity observed.”
This quote exemplifies the struggles and difficulties that the LGBT community experience and provides a possible target for its effects. Questions to consider are: 1) how can the LGBT community be experiencing social hostility, stigma and discrimination? Italian church? Government? 2)  are these forms of oppression?

the role of the Italian church and the legal recognition of same-sex couples
 “Some gay men [and women] grow up in cultures where they will be told in no uncertain terms that God hates them.” During childhood, Alan Downs, a psychologist; was led to believe that “he was going straight to hell for being gay.” That’s a very significant message to grow up with. Churches are particularly culpable, believes Tim Franks. In January 14, 2006 BBC NEWS published the article: Italians clash on gay ‘marriage’; where a senior judge celebrated “weddings” for 10 same-sex couples, in a ceremony of symbolic rather than legal value. This act provides us with a clear view of the rights protecting the wellbeing of the LBGT community. Furthermore, one can link such act as a reluctance and refusal to grant legal recognition and acknowledge pupils as equal citizens.

In protest, thousands of gay rights activists have demonstrated in Rome in support of same-sex unions; where banners read: “Let’s free love from religious phobia.” But, Reforms Minister Roberto Calderoli – a right-wing government said: “these demonstrators are really nauseating.” The people governing and leading this state into the 21st century aren’t voicing the need for laws to provide protection to this community. Rather, it demonstrates a feeling of resentment, disgust, and willingness to do nothing. Equally, if not more impactful, is how Pope Benedict XVI dismissed gay marriage, by saying “a serious mistake to obfuscate the value and function of the legitimate family based on marriage by attributing legal recognition to other forms of legal union for which there is no real social demand.”  Both institutional powers present in Italy react to LGBT pupils as if they were second class citizens; disregarding their presence and needs. Could both; the church and government; which are powerful influential establishments be responsible for the presence and escalation of hate crimes?

Hate crimes on the rise what could cause such effect?
In October 9, 2009, a news article by outlined Italy’s intolerance of LGBT community, in Italy’s gay rights pledge as hate crimes rise. According to figures from the association Arcigay, there were eight gay-hate killings and 52 non-lethal attacks in Italy in the first nine months in 2009, compared with nine killings and 45 other attacks in 2008. What possible factors could have caused the increase of attacks? Aurelio Mancuso, Arcigay president, speculated that it could have been caused by factors like the election of a new pope. Why do you think that is?

A possible reason, shares Mancuso, is that: “those who seek to carry out these attacks feel legitimised by the attitude of the present government, which is not giving clear signs of respect.” Clearly, the government isn’t taking appropriate actions to prevent such attacks. Can part of the responsibility for such attacks be shared by the Church? Mancuso says: “Benedict is fighting a cultural battle against the rights of women and homosexuals.” The outlook of governing with the majority is looked at as ambivalent. Especially, when minority groups like women, immigrant, and gays are at most risk of being discriminated as they present “no real social demand,” as Pope Benedict XVI shares with us.

Such ideologies present us with incidences where men feel the right take part on such attacks. In Florence, a barman was savagely attacked after leaving a gay pub. The 26-year-old had concealed his sexual orientation from his family. In an effort to cover up what had happened, he resisted going to the hospital for almost 24 hours, despite having a broken jaw, nose and cheekbone.  The report also mentions that “a gay disco was set alight and two men were attacked after being seen kissing near the venue of Rome’s summer festival for gays and lesbians.” There is no safety and no rights for such minorities; even in designated safety zone for LGBT pupils. Hence, I pose the question: If the government nor the church take efforts to protect and voice out the needs of minority populations, then who takes on the responsibility to help educate tolerance; schools? 

Are schools a safe zone for LGBT youth?
Unfortunately, just as government and church, school are no exception. As Tim Franks states educational establishments don’t acquit themselves too well, either. Frank adds; “homophobic bullying in schools in this country is still [an] epidemic. It’s absolutely rife. Most British schools are not safe places to be gay.” If schools don’t take necessary actions to education tolerance for differences; and no safety is present for LGBT youth. Where is Italy heading in the 21st century? Arcigay states that today there are still too many kids who are teased and harassed at school because of the fear of “being discovered” as homosexuals; they cannot freely express what they feel and what they think. What kind of education are children receiving when they constantly are in fear at their schools – which are supposed to be safe environments? Further, what kind of message are children receiving when they feel that they can’t voice out what they think.

Struggles of gay Immigrants Today in Italy
I have presented that the struggles of LGBT community and how institutional forces silence their voices.  Now, I will present how being a homosexual migrant today in Italy means that you have different rights and confront forms of oppression. Now, I will focus on presenting the points of view of gay migrant to Italy today. Arcigay, Italy’s national gay rights organization, issued a new report, La Montagna e La Catena - Essere Migranti Omosessuali Oggi In Italia” (The Mountain and the Chain: Being Gay Immigrants in Today’s Italy). The 41-page report draws its conclusions mainly from interview conducted with gay and lesbian immigrant in Italy.

·   Struggles with coming out
The difficulty of coming out to one family is always a struggle within. Many ask themselves: what if they don’t love me anymore? Coming out presents a greater obstacle for youth, for they have the most to lose. If the family turns their back on their child and kicks them out, they must now fend for themselves. If you can’t trust your own family, then who can you rely on?
A young man from Ecuador shared his coming out story and his struggles with migrating to Italy saying:
My coming out? A mountain. When I told my parents that I was gay [it] was like climbing [a mountain] with great difficulty, but in the process I learned to grow to be strong, to trust in myself. Then [I] came to a culmination point, such as the confrontation with my father, who followed the descent, during which begins to be accepted. It was not a single mountain but a mountain range, and each time I had to climb more, higher up on different mountains -One day my parents were, one day my sisters and another family of my parents ...yet another migration, and Italy. It is one thing to talk to parents but around them is not said that they accept it. They have both a family of friends. To this must be add to my family in Ecuador is a family of elite cultural [...]. This meant that my family are very concerned about what others will say [...]
This quote exemplifies the struggle with coming out; and in the process discovering one’s identity. Further, it shows the emotional struggles within a family to be accepted. Being brought up with the mind-set that “God hates gays” is a very power and significant message to grow up with. How does this message from the past; kept alive in the present impact our future? A lesbian woman from Ukraine said:
My family of origin does not know that I'm lesbian, I think I'll tell him but I decided yet. The fact is that I live far away and they are already worried about this, and it important for me to let him know that I'm fine here and I feel better that if I lived in my town. (JUN, Ukraine)
This quote demonstrates the separation of family. The distance that is created; first, by the fear of being rejected, harmed, being alone, and second, being separated by land. Making this distance between families members grow.This quote exemplifies the role of the Church and its effects on its followers.

·   Gay migrant in  Italy
The report, Ci chiami sporco negro e lesbica schifosa ma ti offendi se ti chiamano italiano mafioso, captures the feelings of repondents well; in saying:
[although there was]a “double stigma” attached to being both foreign and gay in Italy, the former condition presented more problems because racial and ethnic difference is more difficult to hide than sexual identity.
For these immigrants, it’s easier to be gay in Italy than in their countries of origin.
An Iranian man told the Arcigay researchers, “I come from a country where I cannot exist…here at least I’m not afraid to live.” But a Peruvian, when asked which people had more difficulty accepting homosexuality, Italians or his co-nationals, replied, “The Italians,” because of “the Pope” and their purported greater adherence to Church teachings. “We Peruvians are Catholic, too,” he said. “But we understand. We understand.” Such narratives exemplify the struggles that immigrants are now facing in Italy. The separation of families, struggles with identity, the role of the Church. How are all of these factors and the government acting on the rights of gay immigrant to Italy? I fear, that this minority is even more oppressed; as they are a minority of a minority.

To find information about my study; I relied mostly on the internet searches. Through the internet I was able to find most of the news articles that discussed the position of the government and the Church on gay rights. Through internet searches I began to understand that homosexual youth are not safe in schools. Also, by conducting interviews, an interviewee shared with me a magazine that discussed the struggles that the LBGT community faces today. Due to time constraints and because the sensitivity of my research project I was unable to interview people that were both gay and immigrants to Italy today. Nevertheless, I contacted my service learning mentor who shared with me a report on homosexual migrants in Italy today. The report interviews recent gay immigrants in Italy today; which provided me with the necessary perspective to understand where they are coming from. I also followed some leads about a gay bar in Trastevere and a bookstore; however after researching I discovered that they went out of business.

Italian Activists Confront Racism and Homophobia state: “Bigots, whether as individuals or as political actors, tend to hate immigrants and queers.”Sexual minorities are seen as an internal menace, a moral infection that undermines “traditional” values and social structures. The role of the Italian church and the lack of legal recognition of same-sex couples reinforce this statement.
The term “razzismo” is often used in Italy to describe not only racial prejudice but other kinds of bigotry and discrimination – against gays, women, Sicilians and other southern Italians. More specific terminology, like “omofobico” (homophobic) and “sessista” (sexist) may be used, but in my experience, far less often than “razzista.
This quote exemplifies undelying tensions that exist in Italy’s community today. Further, Associazione Ricreativa e Culturale Italiana (ARCI) press release stated:
Racism, and the many ways in which it is manifested, represent a danger not only for those who experience its consequences, but also for democracy, because only by defending the rights of all is it possbile to guarantee the rights of everyone.
One cannot dismiss the rise of hate crime attacks that homosexuals are experiencing. Neither can the Italian church nor the government can no longer not take responsibility for such happenings. Being raised with the idea that “you will go to hell” and that “God hates you” is a very significant message to grow up with. Further, not having separation of “church and state” provides individuals with the power to oprress minorities. Such minorities are in real danger of being dismiss and unrecognized, as stated byPope Benedict XVI:  [such minorities] present no real social demand.  If gay Italians have little to no rights; then, gay migrants to Italy today are the minority of the minority. Where they are most likely to fall between the cracks of politics and they are in danger of not being heard nor acknowledged.

1.      Italians Clash on Gay 'marriage' BBC NEWS, 14 Jan. 2006. Web. 24 Feb. 2011. <>.
2.      Hooper, John. "Italy's rights pledge as hate crimes rise| World News | The Observer." Latest News, Comment and Reviews from the Guardian | 9 Oct. 2009. Web. 05 Mar. 2011. <>.
3.      Flynn, Paul. "Pride and Prejudice." The Observer 2 Nov. 2011: 28-37. Print.
5.      Arcigay. "Tesseramento." Arcigay. Web. 07 Mar. 2011. <>.
6.      "Italian Activists Confront Racism and Homophobia." 10 July 2009. Web. 24 Feb. 2011. <>.

Monday, March 7, 2011

Arcigay Reflection

During the past 10ish or so weeks I have been volunteering at Arcigay. A non-profit organization dedicated to protecting and regulating rights of the LGBT community in Rome. Since it was founded in 1985, Arcigay combats prejudice and discrimination against homosexuals today in today’s society. At schools children are still being harasses and same sex couples have no rights – they are not recognized by law. Arcigay is working change this issues. Therefore:
·         Provide support through telephone help lines, group help and counseling
·         Make sexual orientation workshops for secondary school teachers
·         Provides legal assistance to those who suffer discrimination
·         Fight for the rights and recognition of same-sex couples and combat discrimination
·         Strives to fight HIV/AIDS, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Health
·         Promotes the integration and visibility of gay people in society and participate in Gay Pride parade
·         Carries out projects at European level in the context of International Lesbian & Gay Association (ILGA), against discrimination, to promote physical and mental health of young gay men, HIV/AIDS, to combat homophobia and bullying in schools
These are the main activities that Arcigay engages on to ensure the rights of homosexuals in Italy today.

My initial impressions of the site have morphed. Initially, I would bring my frames of reference from back home as a point of reference to attempt to understand the situation of homosexual s in Italy today. However, once I began to integrate – get to know the situation and struggles of homosexuals in Italy I discovered that the “gay scene” is different. Back home, Seattle, the LGBT community has somewhat of a safety zone with Capitol Hill. That is no to say that still today there are attacks of hate crimes. However, at least during day light one has a sense of security. Transitioning back to Italy, I soon discovered that Italy is not so tolerant of differences – sexual or other. As I became knowledgeable about homosexuals situation in Italy, I myself felt uncomfortable walking down the streets. Both, in the US and in Italy, I still walk along the streets with the fear that a stranger will bring it on himself/herself to find a reason to mistreat me. It is important to note, that there could be similar and different factors that could drive people to act in such manner. For example, the presence of the Church in Italy carries a big weight; when organizations like Arcigay fight for equality. My frames of reference have shifted to better understand the situation of homosexuals in Italy today.

I have grown as a person and as a gay man; while being a participant in Arcigay. It has reinforced the idea that one can be gay and be an engineer… or a doctor, a teacher. One can be oneself. I would have like to be more engaged in Arcigay’s participation with schools. I would like to know how they are connecting with schools and teaching teachers with sexual orientation workshops. Do they also conduct workshop to help teachers identify and successfully prevent bullying in schools? How accepting are schools of such efforts. I also would have like to have been a participant of their group discussions. Even if it was just to observe and listen and somewhat understand. However, I do realize that my curiosity and willing to be actively involved and learn more about the organization is limited by time. This is because Arcigay is operated by volunteers. What a way to pay it forward and make a change.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Trastevere is Rome.

Trastevere is Rome. Words can’t describe the complexity and richness of this rione, maybe the most popular and lively of the eternal city. Trastevere has two faces: calm, relaxing and characteristic during the day, chaotic and fun-loving at night. Its churches, its medieval narrow streets and its nightlife represent a summa of the essence of Rome.
My partner, Natalie, and I Spent time in Trastevere, exploring the city during day and night, talking with locals and visitors has allowed me to get to know this area. It is a beautiful, historically rich, and a lively place to just walk around; and it’s very pleasing to the eye.
The economy in Trastevere is largely based on tourism. The shops, restaurants, bars, famous gelaterias that line the streets of Trastevere attract both locals and tourists. After exploring the area and getting to know the people, we realized that many immigrants work in Trastevere but do not reside in Trastevere. The workers shared this with us; they mentioned that they cannot afford the cost expenses of living in Trastevere; because it has become a very touristic area and hence the rise in expenses.
Trastevere is the XIII rione of Rome, located on the west bank of the Tiber, and south of Vatican City. Trastevere translates literally “beyond the Tiber.” Trastevere is signified by a coat of arms of a golden lion’s head with a red background. This area of Rome was originally built to be a city port where storehouses held goods at the time of Augustus and has now developed into a very desirable quarter. Originally, the area was inhabited in early 500BC by fishermen and immigrants, however nowadays the area is inhabited by trasteveri pupils. Nowadays, Trastevere maintains its character because of its preservation of its narrow cobbled streets lined by medieval houses. At night, both natives and tourists alike roam through its many pubs and restaurants. Within Trastevere John Cabot University, the American Academy in Rome, and the Rome campus of the Thomas More College of Liberal Arts, the Canadian University of Waterloo School of Architecture, and the American Pratt Institute School of Architecture reside therefore serving as a home to an international student body.  The inhabitants of Trastevere, called Trasteverini, developed a culture of their own. They believe to be the only true Romans left in Rome today.
Exploring the cobbled streets and hidden alleys on Rome’s left bank. The medieval church of Santa Maria in Trastevere is one of the oldest and most charming basilicas in Rome. The beautiful church of Santa Maria in Trastevere, probably the first church dedicated to the Virgin Mary. It's facade is all glittering with ancient mosaics. The heart of the district is Piazza di Santa Maria in Trasteverewith its lovely church, a 17th century palazzo and a fountain in the middle which is probably Rome's oldest, having been designed by architects such as Bernini, Fontana and Della Porta. There are still some well-conserved medieval houses. In the Middle Ages Trastevere had narrow, winding, irregular streets; moreover, because of the structures of the front buildings there was no space for carriages to pass. To allow passages the structures of the buildings were modified. Trastevere remained a maze of narrow streets.
Piazza di Santa Maria, located just outside of Basilica di Santa Maria, if crowded during the evening; it serves as a gathering place for nightlife folks in Trastevere. In the center of the piazza is a fountain; constructed in 1892 and designed by Carol Fontana. The fountain was originally constructed with travertine, but was resconstructed with marble. The Piazza di Santa Maria serves as a great place to observe, meet, and converse with native Tastreveri.
Another beautiful place within Trastevere is the Janiculum Hill, one of the few sites in Rome where one can observe a great view of the ancient city. From the peak of the hill; one can make count out the domes, marking the churches, in Rome. The hill is the second tallest hill in Rome; but is not one of the seven original hills of Rome. It was outside of the boundaring of the city that was Rome during antiquity. The Janiculum Hill, remains a place of worship and is home to the Church of San Pietro Monotorio. This is where Saint Peter is believed to have been crucified.
Trastevere is filled with richness everywhere you turn to observe. An open air market located in a square just north of the Piazza di Santa Maria resides in Trastevere. It is very similar to the one in Campo di Fiori; but with one added advantage. It is significantly cheaper. In this market, one can enjoy fresh fruits, vegetables, candies, cheeses, meats, pastas etc. It is a fun and alive place to browse through and find a snack or shop for groceries.
Trastevere also houses Villa Farnesina (northern end of Tratevere): a magnificent suburban residence built in the 16th century for Agostino Chigi, the banker of the popes. The Villa houses paintings by Raphael, Peruzzi and other important artists of the Italian Renaissance.On Sunday mornings, you can visit the 7th Corte dei Vigili in Via dei Salumi, and if you enter the guards' rooms, you will see grafitti on the walls written by Roman soldiers who served the emperors from Septimus Severus to Caracalla, in addition to notations of their guard duty.
It is also important to mention that Tiber Island is is located in the middle of the Tiber River (Il Fiume Tevere) that separates Central Rome and Trastevere. It boasts both a major hospital, called Fatebenefratelli, and a small synagogue that was secretly used in the Second World War when Rome's main synagogue nearby was closed down.
An interesting point of Tratevere, is that it home of the Botanical Gardens. They were established in 1883; housing 3500 various species of plants. It as well as all of Trastevere’s splendors attract tourist. They are truly beautiful and breathe taking. It also, has a “scent-and-touch” garden for those that are visually impaired.
After exploring this beautiful; city within a city, the borders of Trastevere became apparent. It is an area that is inhabited by native pupils who have resided in the area for generations. Immigrants do visit Trastevere; however, they only work and enjoy its beauty – they do not reside. One of the main reasons for such happening is that Trastevere has become a very expensive place to reside in. Further, it seems like the inhabitants have created a sense of community. Locals distinguish themselves from other regions of Rome. They believe that they are the only true Romans remaining in Rome. They call themselves trasteveri. Hence, I can say that they have created a city within a larger city. But, still is welcoming of others.
Residing near Trastevere and being one of the tourists attracted to the area. I find that it is a very beautiful place in Rome. It is quiet and peaceful in the daytime and noisy and party at night. I’d like to conclude with what a local shared with me. Students residing in Trastevere for 3ish months will not be fully integrated into our community. Hence, they hardly influence our community with their perspectives and ideas. This could be a possible reason why Trastevere; is still known for being a city within a city; where “true Romans” reside.